


Ingredients :
500gm Mutton, Chicken or Beef
2 Potatoes ( medium size )
1 small ball  Tamarind ( the size of a lime )
6 Kashmir Chillies
1 table sp Coriander seeds ( Dhania )
¼ tea sp Cumin seeds ( Jeera )
1 tea sp Sesame seeds ( Teel )
1 tea sp Poppy seeds ( Khus khus )
2  inches Cinnamon sticks ( Dalchini )
5 Pepper corns
2 Cardamom ( Elaichi )
3  nos Cloves ( Lavang )
¼ tea sp Turmeric ( Haldi )
5  Cashew nuts ( optional )
9 flakes Garlic ( Lasan )
2 Onions ( medium size )
2 table sp     Cooking oil
1 ½  cups water
1 tea sp  Salt ( adjust amount to taste )

Instructions :
Cut meat into small ( about 1 inch ) pieces.

Peel potatoes, and cut into pieces.

Soak tamarind in water for at least 10 minutes. Extract juice/pulp by squeezing.

Put chillies, coriander, cumin, sesame, poppy, cinnamon, pepper, cardamom, cloves, turmeric, cashew, and garlic into a mixer / grinder and grind (add sufficient water ) to a smooth paste.

Slice onions. In a heavy bottom sauce pan heat oil and fry onions until light brown.

Add the ground mixture and fry on medium heat for about one minute ( until you get a nice smell ).

Add the meat pieces and stir fry for a few minutes, until almost dry.

Add water and salt and bring to a boil. Lower heat to medium and cook till almost done.

Add potatoes and peas. Cook until potatoes are soft.

Add tamarind pulp/juice. Stir and remove from heat.

Frithad Masala

Frithad Masala is usually wet-ground and used immediately.

This recipe is for dry Frithad Masala that can be stored for a few months. For the wet masala, refer to the recipe for Frithad Curry

Ingredients :
60        Kashmir Chillies
10        table sp         Coriander seeds ( Dhania )
3          tea sp            Cumin seeds ( Jeera )
10        tea sp            Sesame seeds ( Til )
10        tea sp            Poppy seeds ( Khus khus )
20        inches            Cinnamon sticks ( Dalchini )
2          tea sp            Pepper corns
20        Cardamom ( Elaichi )
30        nos     Cloves ( Lavang )
2          tea sp            Turmeric ( Haldi )

Instructions :

Leave the ingredients in the sun and allow to dry.

Put all the ingredients in a mixer / grinder and turn on the machine until the spices are finely ground. Sieve. Repeat this procedure with the thicker pieces.

Allow the ground mixture to cool and store in a sterilised air-tight bottle. Keep it away from heat and sunlight.

Notes :
This recipe yields about 60 tea spoons of Frithad Masala.

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